Humor Actuaries Predict Effectiveness of Humor Product
Findings have just started to roll in from our crack troup of actuarial researchers located in this single nondescript office building, at left, above, just outside THE CORPORATION'S world headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut, the Insurance and Humor Capitol of the World.
These brilliant young researchers, including Group Leader Donald Ellis, at far right, above, have dedicated their lives to mastering the complicated math and machinery neccessary to be the world's finest team of humor actuaries. With the help of THE CORPORATION'S massive Internet® brand information retrival system, they can predict with uncanny accuracy the future effectiveness of our internationally-distributed humor product for the coming year.
Their latest report shows that while there are still certain small groups which may fall short of 100% success, there is a predicted 100% chance of dominance this year of our main target audience of African-American women over the age of eighty. We are also expecting a 99% success rate with Nuer Tribesman and hotdog vendors from both New York and Philadelphia.