"This game is WICKED COOL! But I'm not sure what you're supposed to do."
Josh Keller, Detroit, Michigan
"Uhmm, when do I shoot stuff?"
Dave Howard, Ladson, South Carolina
"Too damn violent!"
Mrs. Alice Klinger, Cat Fanciers of America
"I liked the part when the "MOM" character pets me."
Trish Harrison, Montgomery, Alabama
"When to you get to shoot things?"
Tom Miller, Davis, California
"I'm not sure how to get the thing to shoot"
Joey Melnick, Madison, Wisconsin
"I couldn't figure out how to kill anything"
Darryl Schillinger, Sarasota, Florida
"What is there to shoot?"
Ryan West, New Castle, Pennsylvania
"Can you kill ANYTHING in this stupid game?"
Sam Gardner, Las Vegas, Nevada